Information found

Maps of invasion as of 3/10

Yourwbuddystudy has almost been captured but escaped to a safe place in an area he cannot disclose.

Studywyourbuddy has been captured and put into a camp along with countless of other innocents. Watered threatened him "cutely" before leaving him. Study found his best friend, Dylan. WNBE is called Enanan here. "Enanan" got away by doing an 88 star thing and wonderhoy, Y-chan escaped. But Dylan is going to be executed in a week. As of 3/18, There are 5 warriors who have been executed, though blacksmith claims he can never die. Enanan, Studywyourbuddy, annoyingthing, and a few others are in the freak room, however, Enanan used her 88 Wonderhoy powers to escape. One of the guards, studybuddywyour (Enanan's alt, little brother in lore), and threela managed to let everyone else out, but it was too late we have already lost Astrokitt and Taenshi. Watered came back but she seems to be in a state of depression... (or she's just obsessed with Mizuki and made her about section based on what Mizu felt) As for Enanan, she is in the kdfscj jdkf to hide. Astrokitt's ghost will forever haunt the Tsukasa worshipping server. Also I'm thinking of using plushie eater's demon or wtv to help us but it looks untamed.

Remember the antikasa regime is using an AI to copy Y-chan
If the message doesn't contain the number 810, doesn't have a Morse code, or it doesn't have a HEX code, it is fake
